United Christian Church
Eastern shore of virginia
Regular services
Sunday School 10:00 am
Our Sunday morning begins with Sunday School. After opening with prayer, song and offering, Pastor Taylor leads the congregation in their weekly Sunday School lesson. Aided by our Sunday School books, we read stories, scriptures and commentaries while Pastor Taylor explains the passages and gives insights. A theme runs through each quarter's lessons that takes us on a unique journey through the Bible, expanding our understanding and helping us develop a Christian perspective on life.
Refreshments & Fellowship 10:30 am
After Sunday School, we gather in the dining hall for refreshments and fellowship. Generous members provide various light snacks, pastries and beverages for the enjoyment of all while we spend time with each other. It is important to our church family to build strong bonds with one another. We are a kind, friendly, welcoming group where even strangers quickly feel like part of the family.
Sunday Church Service 11:00 am
After opening with prayer, our Sunday Church Service kicks off with congregational singing. Next, we have special singing by individuals or small groups. Then, it is prayer time: We take the opportunity to thank God for all He has done and lift up to Him all those who are sick, troubled or in need. That is followed by announcements: The congregation is kept up to date on everything that is happening in the church. Then, offering is collected.
Following the morning sermon, we have an altar call. Those who need anything from the Lord are called forward. We turn to the Lord for healings, blessings, salvation and all other needs. Then, if it is the first Sunday of the month, we serve Holy Communion, followed by a congregational. Our service is generally dismissed with prayer sometime between 12 & 12:30 pm.
For more details about our service, check out Are You New To Church?